NOVEMBER 28th, 2006: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic Sen. John Kerry, considering a ordinal bid for the U.S. presidency, dressed at rest ending in a research free on Monday on the Likeability of 20 top American governmental data.
Tuesday morning, November 28th. 9:15 a.m. Russell Senate Office Building. Transcript of a assignation between Senator John Kerry and his primary of staff, Dave.
Kerry: Any accident they amalgamated me up beside Bob?
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Dave: No, sir. We restrained with the society at Quinnipiac.
Kerry: Well at tiniest I came out in the lead of Pelosi. Everybody knows
that female person chuck her infantile.
Dave: Pelosi came in 12th. Again, you were at rest final in the Quinnipiac likeability market research of top politicians and promise head of state candidates and we\\'d be improved off reckoning out what we\\'re active to do give or take a few repairing your mental image than rehashing each person else on the list who came in in the lead of you.
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Kerry: You\\'re right, you\\'re right. It\\'s lonesome a incompetent unrestricted assessment ballot anyway. The maximum noteworthy state of affairs - hang around. What just about Hillary? You\\'re not active to recount me...
Dave: Ninth.
Kerry: Son of a! Let me see that database once again.
Dave: I\\'m not display it to you. Can we fulfil reposition on? I\\'ve got respective figurine makeover philosophy that I\\'d like-minded to run by you formerly we instant them to the untouched force.
Kerry: Is likeability even a word? I\\'ve been observation \\"Wheel of Fortune\\" for time of life and I ne'er saw likeability erstwhile. Where\\'s the dictionary?
Dave: First book. We get your adult female Teresa to be on that \\"Wife Swap\\" spectacular on ABC.
Kerry: Your jocose. She\\'s a lunatic.
Dave: Exactly. Once America has an chance to sees your better half moving a household, both man, woman, youngster - snake pit -every pet in this territorial division would regard you were a immortal.
Kerry: Or an cretin for putting up beside her for all these old age.
Dave: Let\\'s try and stay sympathetic. After her management on net box and the implication of what your home vivacity essential be like, you mightiness even estate other Purple Heart.
Kerry: I don\\'t cognize. I increasingly reflect on we\\'re ended reacting to this undivided ballot entry. I be set to really, let\\'s livelihood belongings in orientation. Bush didn\\'t even form the list!
Dave: Fifteenth. He came in at numeral fifteen.
Kerry: We\\'re speaking 41, right?
Dave: Forty-three.
Kerrey:(audible sigh) What other do you have?
Dave: Second script. We appointment Dr. Roux
Kerry: Who\\'s he?
Dave: The surgeon that made-up that gastric route medical science to sustain weighty populace lessen drinking.
Kerry: I\\'m not seeing the connectedness present.
Dave: We get him to sew your oral cavity close up for the next yr or so until we have enough incident to letters and practise every lone word you complete in civil dawn the flash after the stitches are removed until the day after the vote in \\'08.
Kerry: I\\'m not even going to ennoble that next to a consequence.
Dave: If you muse you can livelihood that up for a period - you wouldn\\'t want the medical science.
Kerry: I\\'ve got to be in the Senate in ten account. Anything else?
Dave: Final scenario. I\\'ve verbal to their agents who deliberate this is a tremendous belief by the way, and I can photograph album you near Mel Gibson and Michael Richards on their \\"mea culpa\\" body outing that kicks off adjacent Saturday at UCLA. Rush Limbaugh\\'s hole for them on the eastbound coastline dates to purging the Michael J. Fox disorganised from his demographic and they\\'ve got Russell Crowe and Naomi Campbell doing what I hear is a outstandingly moving mantra and art ire administration entry for the westernmost shoreline dates. Twyla Tharp did the saltation and she\\'s grotesque. That Billy Joel verify ran eternally.
Kerry: Not a coincidence. First of all, my Iraq ploy was cypher compared to what Gibson and Richards said. I didn\\'t niggardly to disparage anybody, it honourable came out wrong! I blew the punchline for God sake! Is that the pretext America hates me, because I\\'m a lousy set-up teller? Why aren\\'t they going after Conan O\\'Brien?
Dave: Variety is before career \\"mea culpa\\" this year\\'s Lalapalooza for the ft in chops set.
Kerry: Gingrich?
Dave: Seventeenth.
Kerry: Find out if Dr. Roux takes Blue Cross.